'Twas the hour before IUDM, when all through the tennis center not a committee was stirring, not even morale.
The committee and dancer banners were hung by the walls with care, in hopes that Riley kids would soon be there.
The dancers were nestled all snug in their stations, while visions of the total served as their inspiration.

While we wait the last long hour before the marathon officially starts, we are thinking of all the beautiful memories we will soon be making. Of the moments of laughter and the moments of tears. Of all the Riley kids who have been waiting just as long as us for this day. We are so excited to start this journey in a center contained with love and happiness, and a place filled with our best friends.
To all IUDM 2019 dancers, members, donors, and brave kids, we are ecstatic for your arrival and cannot wait to see all the magic you will bring in one weekend. Have fun, be safe, and start dancing!