First Year Dancer Experience (FYDE)
If you are a freshman looking to get involved with IUDM, join the FYDE team! FYDE stands for First Year Dancer Experience. This team is mostly composed of dancers who live in residential halls on campus, but any first-year dancer is welcome to join. They raise money and hold meetings together throughout the year to make it to the marathon in November.
FYDE gives you a community at IU and within IUDM. FYDE members make a huge impact on IUDM and Riley Hospital, so we can't wait to work with you to improve children's health. In fact, last year FYDE raised over 150k all for the kids!
To get involved with FYDE, please contact gabischuetz.iudm@gmail.com

“The decision to join FYDE was the best part of my freshman year. I was welcomed with so much love and support from the FYDE leaders and was so excited to be a part of IUDM!! My love for Riley and IUDM multiplied ten fold because of the amazing people I met along the way, many of them I am lucky to now call my best friends. FYDE gave me a chance to be a part of something bigger than myself, and to continue a legacy that will last forever. FYDE showed me that you give what you get, and I am so grateful to have had so many incredible experiences in IUDM!”
FYDE 2023 Member
- Ella Self