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Dallas Kolley: A Heart of Gold

By: Mallory Roadruck

In July of 2022, Dallas Kolley was born in Riley Hospital for Children’s Maternity Tower with a congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome. With the right-sided structures of his heart being underdeveloped or not formed due to the condition, he experienced his first surgery when he was 9 days old. 

After 3 months in the hospital, he left with oxygen and a G-Tube, only to be back in Riley Hospital for Children 4 months later for his next open heart surgery. After 2 weeks there post-surgery, he was able to be free of oxygen, but he still remains on the G-Tube. 

Dallas still remains in Contact Care through Riley Hospital for Children, making multiple visits there for appointments and procedures. 

“We cannot thank Riley enough for giving our boy the chance at life that he deserves,” his family says. 

In April of 2024, Dallas had his most recent surgery to repair his obstructive sleep apnea, requiring a throat procedure. When he is 3 years old, he will have his next open heart surgery at Riley Hospital for Children. 

“Dallas Ray,” as he is referred to by his family, loves his dogs, anything to do with being outside, Curious George, Spider Man, and Toy Story. 

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