Alumni Social
Welcome to the Alumni Social page! Here you will find fun social events planned by our alumni meant to engage and keep connected with your IUDM roots. Alumni all over the country want to stay in touch with others who share similar values in an enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere. Get connected with other alumni in your area!
Regional Hangouts
Meet other alumni in your area and start growing that IUDM feeling across the country. Here's whats going on in the coming weeks!
Click the button below to connect with the representative in your region!
Pen Pals
Stay connected with current IUDM members by signing up for pen pals. This is a great opportunity give guidance and support to the future leaders of this organization. Use this button to let our current Alumni relations director know you're interested!
Hot Spots
Traveling and want to connect with alumni is your area? Look no further, here you can find where the hottest spots are for our almuni. Reconnect with people in other areas and see what they are up to!